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The Psychology of Gifted Learning

The set of articles in the psychology of gifted learning review particular aspects of gifted learning research and examine the implications for teaching.

Intellectual development and gifted learning 
This article reviews gifted intellectual development from the perspectives of Piaget's stage theory, Vygotsky's socio cultural theory and Bruner's theory of categorization and the implications for teaching.

Information processing models of learning applied to gifted learning
This article reviews gifted learning from the perspectives of information processing approaches to learning , the  concepts of attention,  short term and long term memory and memory processes in gifted learning and their implications for teaching.

Metacognitive aspects of gifted learning
This article reviews gifted learning from the perspective of metacognition  and self-regulated learning and the implications for teaching

Psychometric measures and giftedness
This article reviews gifted learning from the perspective of psychometric measures of gifted learning  and their values and limitations in  gifted learning.


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