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Gifted Learning and Teaching

The set of articles in gifted learning and teaching examine aspects how gifted students learn and recommended teaching procedures.

Using diffuse problem solving to identify gifted learners. Gifted and talented students can be identified by the ways in which they solve diffuse and complex problems. This paper describes research that examines this identification procedure and discusses its implications for identifying gifted knowledge and learning in indigenous cultures.

A learning-based approach to curriculum differentiation for gifted and talented learners This article describes a framework for differentiating teaching for gifted and talented learners from an explicit learning perspective.  It illustrates the framework for teaching middle years history.  The paper was presented at the 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Giftedness held in Singapore in July 2008.

Response to the Victorian Inquiry into Gifted Education. This report is the response to the Victorian Government's Inquiry into Gifted Education. It examines gifted education provision from the perspective of the gifted learner as an expert knower.

Understanding how gifted and talented students learn 

Understanding & supporting gifted learning disabled students 

Distinguishing gifted and talented learners and other learners

Teaching gifted and talented students : a learning approach to differentiation

Mathematical giftedness and talent 

Proposed model of learning : Converting multiple general capacities or aptitudes of high ability into particular talents.

Verbal giftedness 

Visual-Spatial Giftedness

A learning base for the  education of  gifted and talented students Munro J. (1996). Melbourne: IARTV presents a differentiated model of gifted learning.

Leading schools to improve their teaching to accommodate the learning characteristics of students who are gifted or talented.    This paper provides a practical framework that school leaders can use to improve the extent to which teaching in their school meets the learning  profiles of students who are gifted or talented.    A version of this paper formed part of an invitational  Keynote presentation at Kent Leadership and Innovation Centre  UK  on Monday 20 June 2005.



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