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Phonemic Awareness

Visual Imagery/Visualising
Onset and rime/letter clusters
Rapid Automatised Naming
Self efficacy
Self management and monitoring

Gifted, Learning Disabled

Click here to link to John Munro's
Studies in Exceptional Learning and Gifted Education (SELAGE) website.
It inludes copies of John's publications on a variety of topics.


Phonemic Awareness

  • Badian, N. A. (2001). "Phonological and orthographic processing." Annals of Dyslexia 51: 179-202.

  • Compton, D. L. (2002). "The relationships among phonological processing, orthographic processing, and lexical development in children with reading disabilities." The Journal of Special Education 35(4): 201-210.

  • Ehri, L. C., Nunes, S. R., Willows, D. M., Valeska Schuster, B., Yaghoub-Zadeh, Z. & Shanahan, T. (2001). "Phonemic awareness instruction helps children learn to read: Evidence from the National Reading Panel's meta-analysis." Reading Research Quarterly 36(3): 250.

  • Good, R. H., Kaminski, R. A., Simmons, D. & Kame'enui, E.J. (2001). "Using Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) in an Outcomes-Driven Model: Steps to reading outcomes." OSSC Bulletin 44(1): 8-26.

  • Hammill, D. D., Mather, N., Allen, E. A. & Roberts, R. (2002). "Using semantics, grammar, phonology, and rapid naming tasks to predict word identification." Journal of Learning Disabilities 35(2): 121-136.

  • Howard Allor, J. (2002). "The relationship of phonemic awareness and rapid naming reading development." Learning Disability Quarterly 25(1): 47-58.

  • Leslie, L. & Allen, L. (1999). "Factors that predict success in an early literacy intervention project." Reading Research Quarterly 34(4): 404.

  • Lovett, M. W., Lacerenza, L. & Borden, S. L. (2000). "Putting Struggling Readers on the PHAST Track: A program to integrate phonological and strategy-based remedial reading instruction and maximise outcomes." Journal of Learning Disabilities 33(5): 458-476.

  • Munro, J. K. (1991). Developmental Sequence for Helping Readers Improve their Orthographic Knowledge.(Not yet available online)

  • Munro, J. K. (1998). "Phonological and phonemic awareness: Their impact on learning to read prose and to spell." Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities 3(2): 15-21.(Not yet available online)

  • Munro, J. K. (1999). "The phonemic-orthographic nexus." Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities 4(3): 27-34.
    (Not yet available online)

  • Nation, K. & Hulme, C. (1997). "Phonemic Segmentation, not onset-rime segmentation, predicts early reading and spelling skills." Reading Research Quarterly 32(2): 154.

  • Schatschneider, C., Carlson, C.D., Francis, D.J., Foorman, B.R. & Fletcher, J. M. (2002). "Relationship of rapid automatized naming and phonological awareness in early reading development: Implications for double-deficit hypothesis." Journal of Learning Disablities 35(3): 245-256.

  • Sofie, C. A. & Riccio, C. A. (2002). "A comparison of multiple methods for the identification of children with reading disabilities." Journal of Learning Disabilities 35(3): 234-244.


  • Butyniec-Thomas, J., & Woloshyn, V.E. (1997). "The effects of explicit-strategy and whole-language instruction on students' spelling ability." The Journal of Experimental Education 65(4).

  • Munro, J. K. (1991). Developmental Sequence for Helping Readers Improve their Orthographic Knowledge.(Not available online)

  • Nation, K. and C. Hulme (1997). "Phonemic segmentation, not onset-rime segmentation, predicts early reading and spelling skills." Reading Research Quarterly 32(1): 154.

  • Templeton, S. and D. Morris (1999). "Questions teachers ask about spelling." Reading Research Quarterly 34(1): 102.

Visual Imagery/Visualising

  • Balch Jackson, F. and M. Madison (1998). Teacher training: Providing instruction in a basic reading strategy in elementary rural general education settings. Coming together: Preparing for rural special education in the 21st century. American Council on Rural Special Education, Charlston.
  • Clark, F. L., Deshler, D. D., Schumaker, J. B., Alley, G. R. and M. M. Warner (1984). "Visual imagery and self-questioning: Strategies to improve comprehension of written material." Journal of Learning Disabilities 17(3): 145-149. (Not available online)

  • Cornoldi, C., Rigoni, F., Tressoldi, P. E. and C. Vio (1999). "Imagery deficits in nonverbal learning disabilities." Journal of Learning Disabilities 32(1): 48.

  • Danko, C. (1992). Using visual imagery to help Chapter 1 students improve comprehension. South Dakota, Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association

  • Sorrell, A. L. (1996). Triadic approach to reading comprehension strategy instruction. Learning Disabilities Association of Texas, Austin.

Onset and rime

  • Good, R. H., Kaminski, R. A., Simmons, D. & Kame'enui, E.J. (2001). "Using Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) in an Outcomes-Driven Model: Steps to reading outcomes." OSSC Bulletin 44(1): 8-26.

  • Nation, K. and C. Hulme (1997). "Phonemic segmentation, not onset-rime segmentation, predicts early reading and spelling skills." Reading Research Quarterly 32(1): 154.

Rapid Automatised Naming

  • Bridge Denckla, M. and L. E. Cutting (1999). "History and significance of rapid automatised naming." Annals of Dyslexia 49

  • Howard Allor, J. (2002). "The relationship of phonemic awareness and rapid naming reading development." Learning Disability Quarterly 25(1): 47-58.

  • Meyer, M. S., Wood, F. B., Hart, L. A. & Felton, R. H. (1998). "Longitudinal course of rapid naming in disabled and nondisabled readers." Annals of Dyslexia 48: 91.

  • Neuhaus, G. F. and P. R. Swank (2002). "Understanding the relations between RAN letter subtest components and word reading in first-grade students." Journal of Learning Disabilities 35(2): 158-174. (Not available online)


  • Chan, L. "Metacognition and remedial education." Australian Journal of Remedial Education 23(1): 4-10.(Not available online)
  • Muter, V. & Snowling, M. (1998). "Concurrent and Longitudinal Predictors fo Reading: The role of metalinguistic and short-term memory skills." Reading Research Quarterly 33(3): 320.

  • Neuman, S. B. (2001). "The role of Knowledge in early literacy." Reading Research Quarterly 36(4): 468.

  • Tunmer, W. E., Herriman, M.L & Nesdale, A. R. (1988). "Metalinguistic abilities and beginning reading." Reading Research Quarterly 23(2): 134-158.

Self efficacy
  • Casteel, C. P., Isom, B. A., Jordan, K. F., (2000). Creating confident and competent readers: Transactional strategies instruction Intervention in School and Clinic; Austin; Vol: 36, Issue: 2, pp.67, Nov 2000.

  • McCabe, P. P.,Margolis, H.,(2001). Enhancing the self-efficacy of struggling readers. Clearing House; Washington; Sep/Oct 2001Vol: 75, No: 1, pp. 45-49.

Self management and monitoring
(self-correct, self-question, self scripts, recources)

Gifted, Learning Disabled


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