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Key concepts


alphanumeric codes

visual symbols such as the letters and the digits.

analytic-sequential learning preference

Learning by attending to small details or parts of the information and retaining them in the sequence or order in which they are presented.

auditory acuity

detecting sounds of particular frequencies or levels of pitch

auditory discrimination

distinguishing between words with similar sounds .

auditory figure-ground

identifying sounds in the presence of background noise for each ear

auditory perceptual processing

Detecting various parts of auditory information


Handling information automatically, without needing to think about it


Consonant letter clusters that occur commonly in words Example: bl-, cr-, -st, -nd

cloze reading tasks

Written sentences from which words have been deleted.

cognitive skills

Ways of reasoning or thinking

comprehending strategies

Actions (strategies) readers use to link ideas that they are reading about, These are the things readers do while they are reading.


A reader’s understanding having read a text; it is what the reader has put together having finished reading the text.

concept of a word

Knowing that a word has particular grammatical properties and is used in particular ways in sentences.

criterion based tests

link a reader’s score on a test with reading abilities or competencies displayed


Say or vocalize one or more letters


Two or more letters that represent or match one sound
Example: sh, ch, th, ph, wh, ck

DVF - distinctive visual features

The letters that a reader selects to use to read a word.

episodic memory

Recalling experiences, previous episodes in one’s life

explicit learning

Identifying overtly the learning outcomes at any time

explicit teaching

definite, clear, precise instruction as opposed to generalised instruction

general ability

The ways in which readers reason or think about ideas. It is what is measured by intelligence tests.


a letter
A, a


Links between sounds and letters (graphemes or orthography)

high frequency words
(Sight words)

mostly function words(or structure words) such as conjunctions, pronouns and prepositions.


Think beyond the information given in a text, make links with unstated ideas using what readers know. Readers may infer or guess subsequent events, purpose or intent.

interactive evaluation

Ask readers to use particular strategies and note the ones that improve their reading.

letter cluster pattern

A string of letters that constitutes a part of a word.

lexical access

opening up or ‘getting into’ the word bank


dictionary, word bank

literal comprehension

Understanding sentences as they are written.


knowledge of one's own thinking and learning activities, knowing how to manage and direct one’s thinking and learning


how words are used, how words operate


the smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language. The word 'unladylike' consists of three morphemes and four syllables.
Example: un- 'not'
lady- '(well behaved) female adult human'
like- ' having the characteristics of '

norm based tests

link a reader’s score on a test with age and / or grade norms, describe the performance as a %ile rank or stanine score, a standard score.

onsets (and rimes)

parts of syllables. The onset is the consonant or consonant cluster before the vowel
Word: that
Onset: th_
Rime: _at

orthographic knowledge

knowledge of letter clusters; patterns of letters used in written English to write words


A single sound

phonemic knowledge

knowledge of individual speech sounds or phonemes

phonemic recoding

changing each letter into a sound


links between patterns of sounds phonemes) and patterns of letters (graphemes)

phonological awareness

awareness of the different sound units in oral language
Example: syllables, onsets and rimes

phonological knowledge

what we know about the sound properties
(phonology) of our language

pre-literate developments

Knowledge children learn in the years before they begin to learn to read

prose reading

Reading sentences, words linked into strings of meaning

psycholinguistic knowledge

the reader's knowledge of oral language

RAN - Rapid Automatised Naming

recalling names automatically, such as the sound of each letter fast enough so they can blend them and link with the letter pattern


The readability of a text indicates its reading grade level or comparative difficulty of texts

receptive vocabulary

understanding spoken words

rime unit

Part of a syllable that includes the vowel and any consonants that come after it
Example: word: that
onset: th__
rime: __at


the process of breaking words into smaller sound units
Example: hat = /h/ + /at/ OR
/h/ + /a/ + /t/

STAM - Short term Auditory Memory

Retaining briefly a sequences of auditory sounds in order to use them in various ways

STWM - Short Term Working Memory

Retaining ideas briefly while a person thinks about them, combines them in various ways

sensory impairment

Difficulty sensing or receiving information. We usually use it to apply to visual and auditory information

sentence meaning propositions

The meaning coded in a sentence, between the various verbal concepts mentioned.

sub vocally

Talking to yourself about ideas ‘in your head’, saying things to yourself without saying them aloud.

visual perceptual abilities

Abilities to do with detecting visual information


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